This past summer, when on vacation I wrote this and took this picture while sitting on the beach and wanted to share this as we move forward in the new year.
Gratitude – The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
I am sitting on the beach looking out at the beautiful ocean, listening to the waves roll in and roll out, then crash and start all over again in a rhythmic pattern. I cannot take my eyes off the continuous ebb and flow of the water. My shoulders drop and then my body settles into a warm hypnotic feeling. I finally pulled my eyes away from the deep blue sea and looked around. This beach is gorgeous. It is clean, there are not too many people, quiet and peaceful. The warm sand under my feet feels so soothing.
As I take in the beauty around me, I take a deep breath and sigh. I rest my head back and look at the sky. I do not remember the sky being this blue back home, I do not remember the clouds looking so perfect like bunches of cotton balls waiting for someone to reach out and grab. This sky is so clear and the sun so bright, all I feel is peace. My body is so relaxed now that I allowed my eyes to close and empty my mind of any thoughts that had plagued me just moments before.
My mind is blank. I am not thinking of anything, and my breathing is steady. I do not know how long I allowed myself to indulge in this precious moment. Something gently stirred my soul. Not in a disruptive way, more like a there is something more for you Denise kind of way, so I lifted my head and opened my eyes, and there it was…
The most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen in my life! It looked like it was coming out of the water and into a cloud. It was magnificent, exquisite, and lovely all at the same time. It roused an emotion of pure joy. I begin to weep. I took a picture so I could remember. I thought “what am I experiencing right now?” As I took in the whole encounter, I realized that at this moment I was full of contentment, and the only word I could use to describe it was – Gratitude.
We are all imperfect and have problems. Most of the time things do not go the way we want them to or expect them to and this can weigh on us. We start to get negative, anxious, and cynical then start losing our joy. We focus on what does not work or why something is not happening instead of realizing that there is always something we can be grateful for. I would venture to say we could all be a little more grateful than we are. We hear people say “be grateful” all the time and I have even said this but what does this really mean? It means to take a moment, look around and find something or someone for whom you are thankful. It could be something as simple as being grateful you woke up this morning.
Gratitude is a natural feeling that comes from within. It is not an attitude but something that surfaces and flows out of you, an emotion. This world is changing, and we have lost part of our personal connections with others. What is so interesting is, expressing appreciation or saying Thank You does not take much, but the present lifestyle is so fast-paced, as well as so many distractions that we forget the importance of gratitude. I decided to make a list of five things that I want to do to display my recognition and gratitude for things or others in my life, and I would like to share them with you.
1) Find One Thing
Start with finding one thing you can be grateful for and think about it all day. When you do this, you will find that your spirit will change. When you feel that negativity creeping in, slam the door on it and focus on that something or someone who inspires gratitude in your life.
2) Make a List
Once your mind is in the right place, make a list of what you are thankful for and write it down. Everyone’s list will look different because we are all individuals so do not second guess yourself. It could be the smallest details about something that only touches you. From there, go back and read your list from time to time.
3) Say Thank You
When someone helps you even with the smallest thing, tell them “Thank You.” Remember, people are not obligated to lend a helping hand, so when they do, acknowledge it.
4) More Happiness In Giving
Give undeserved acts of kindness, love, compassion, and forgiveness. We must get out of the habit of thinking that everything is a give-and-take exchange.
5) Block Joy Stealers
Do not let others’ negativity steal your joy. Failure, disappointment, and frustration in others will happen and will continue to happen as long as we are alive, but we do not have to allow this to make us cynical. Always look for the best in others and try to find something positive that they bring to the table.
When we practice showing gratitude on a regular basis, it extends to all areas of our life. Family, friends, coworkers, patients, and clients all benefit from the trickling effect of it. In a world where we are so divided by race, religion, gender, class, and political affiliation, let us focus on what we have in common…humanity. Let us just be human and show gratitude for the things around us, the things we have, and other humans. It is the first step to healing our world. You never know, you might change someone’s reality.
Going back to that day on the beach, I realize I experienced a special moment. My heavenly father opened my heart and made me feel something called Gratitude. Gratitude for all that he has blessed me with whether that be the people in my life or something as simple as the air I breathe daily. I am forever changed by that experience. I got the message loud and clear and had to share it with you. You might think or ask, “Well who are you?”
I am just a girl on a mission to be grateful, spread love, and create peace, compassion, and kindness for all that I encounter in my little part of the world. Want to join me?
Denise Williams-Jones is a Dental Consultant who speaks all around the country, has designed continuing education courses for the American Dental Association, and is passionate about assisting dental practices increase their bottom line. If you need further assistance in taking your team to the next level, please reach out and let her help you and your team.