A good night’s sleep is everyone’s goal. We all want to wake up and be able to say things like “I slept like a baby.” or “I am so rested; I am ready to take on the day.” These common well-known phrases communicate to others that we had a satisfying sleep. That we are alert and ready to take on the day.
Quality sleep helps with mental clarity and when you think clearly, you make better choices. You have a more positive outlook on things, and you tend to be more optimistic. Since I am a Customer Service Consultant, and providing good customer service means being positive, my interest is instantly sparked when talking about this subject.
There is a quote by E. Joseph Cossman that says, “The best bridge between despair and hope is a good night’s sleep.”
According to the above quote, sleep or lack thereof can and will impact how we see things and our relationships with others. I snore, suffer from sleep apnea, and wake up exhausted. When this happens, I am not in the best mood.
If I as a Customer Service Consultant am cranky and tired, how am I offering my best to my clients? Well, I decided to seek out the best and get some help with this.
I tried many different things until I met the right person to help me with my sleep apnea and snoring. I would like to introduce you to Dr. Dar Radfar more commonly referred to as Dr. Rad.
Dr. Rad is a Diplomate of The American Sleep & Breathing Academy and a TMJ specialist. He treats sleep apnea and snoring or as we now say, Airway and Sleep dentistry in addition to practicing general dentistry. He also has RADHEALTH a whole line of products for humans and pets. He is also a very dear friend of mine. Please take a look at my interview and hear his story.
1) Poor Sleep Affects Relationships
When we do not get the proper sleep, our relationships suffer starting with our sleep partner. Sleep Divorce is a real thing. From there it affects all we come in contact with from family, colleagues, and clients.
2) Sleep Apnea Can Shorten Your Life
If Sleep Apnea is not treated, it can take twelve to fifteen years off your life as well as contribute to other ailments in your body. If you are drinking alcohol, taking prescription drugs, over-the-counter sleep aids, or illegal drugs to fall asleep and stay asleep over time it can be very toxic to your kidneys and other organs.
3) Are You Really Depressed or Just Tired?
When you do not get enough sleep, you get depressed. When you are tired and depressed, you cannot show up and do your best at work or at home. When you are well rested, you work better, get sick less often, and work efficiency increases. You are alert and less irritable.
As we can see, sleeping properly is vital to succeeding. It plays a crucial role in our health and well-being. It improves our concentration and focus. It affects our relationships and our ability to “Show Up.” Thank you, Dr. Rad, for shedding light on this topic that plagues so many of us.
Nice to meet you, Dar Radfar, DDS, DASBA
Denise Williams-Jones is a Customer Service Consultant who speaks all around the country and has designed continuing education courses for The American Dental Association (ADA), and The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) She is a member of SCN.
Denise is passionate and committed to customer service and creating the correct culture in business. Through consulting and coaching, she helps organizations improve relationships and communication with their fellow team members, define core values, empower leadership, and create the correct culture with their clients all while raising their bottom line. If you need further assistance in taking your team to the next level, please reach out and let her help you and your team.