Consulting Services

I am a consultant, coach, and speaker who is dedicated to empowering the team and bringing up the bottom line in the practice.

Next Level to Success is all about helping Dental Offices reach their maximum potential. The ultimate goal is to foster and build strong relationships, create the correct culture, and empower the team.

I have a range of topics and workshops that center around Customer Service and Correct Culture.


I will teach the team to practice the 4Rs

Results Satisfied Happy Customers
Referrals Customers Spread the Word
Rewards Increase in Revenue
Repeat It Worked! Let’s Do It Again!

Through observation of and communication with the doctor and team, I will diagnose and analyze current office policies, procedures, and practices. I will recommend improvements, offer new approaches, and assist and provide accountability in implementing the changes thus realigning the team and doctor to enhance your practice and fulfill your office’s vision.

Our industry focuses on new clinical tools and software, which are important, but we are forgetting that a strong team culture is the driving force of the practice.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation about how I can take your business to the Next Level of Success!

Let Me Help You Take Your Business to the Next Level of Success